Side A
1. All The hands
2. Chewing Shoes
3. Eric
4. Fractal Landscape
Side B
1. Bouncing Eggs
2. Annual General Meeting
3. Reality
4. Walking Walls
英国サウサンプトン出身の音楽家、The Dead Goldfish EnsembleことSteve Hartwellは、Kraftwerk『Autobahn』から着想を得て、1983年からシーケンサーや元祖音楽制作コンピューターともいえるMSXコンピューターを使用した音楽制作を開始。Steve Reich、Philip Glassに代表するミニマル・ミュージックを自宅の録音環境に持ち込み、空想世界に迷い込むような不思議なポリリズム、どこか人懐っこくトイフルなメロディたちが無邪気に跳ねる箱庭スケールのホームメイド・ミュージックを1993年にかけて大量に制作した。
自主レーベルPeeved Recordsから数本のカセットテープ作品を発表。さらにHome Produkt(ベルギー)、Insane Music(ベルギー)、EE Tapes(ベルギー)、IRRE Tapes(ドイツ)、Tonspur Tapes(ドイツ)等の、世界各地の宅録作家たちを紹介していたレーベルのコンピレーション作品に数多くの曲を提供。
本作は、その期間に発表されたオリジナルの作品群から選曲/編集した、The Dead Goldfish Ensembleによるアルバムとしては初めてのレコード作品となる。
ジャケットデザインはSteve Hartwell本人によるGoldfishのモチーフを基に、横山雄が構築。オリジナル・マスター・テープからデジタル化された音源を大城真がマスタリング。
The Dead Goldfish Ensembleの新作『Polonia』の音源データ入手先のURLが掲載されたインサートを封入。
- データ音源はBandcampから購入可能です。
Inspired by Kraftwerk's "Autobahn," Southampton-based musician Steve Hartwell, aka The Dead Goldfish Ensemble, started to craft his own music in 1983 using sequencers and the MSX computer, which could be said as the first generation of home computers available for music production. Hartwell made a tremendous amount of recordings in his home studio until 1993, reflecting his take on minimalist music of Steve Reich and Philip Glass, it featured strange imaginative polyrhythms and friendly playful melodies that innocently bounce around.
One circumstance that made this possible was the format of cassette tape publication. From the early 1980s to the early 1990s, it was the most inexpensive and easiest way to release works for independent labels and DIY musicians since it allowed them to dub copies at home, all within their production environment. Various labels in Europe, the United States, and Japan offered artists to contribute their works for compilations. As a result, a vast number of cassette tapes were produced around the world. Those releases eventually led the labels to help form some unique local music scenes and communities by connecting enthusiasts through personal contacts. Essentially, since they were international compilations, it contributed hugely to introducing unknown talented artists from each area to the rest of the world.
Hartwell released several cassette tapes from his label Peeved Records and also contributed many tracks to multiple different compilations of home-produced music from labels such as Home Produkt (Belgium), Insane Music (Belgium), EE Tapes (Belgium), IRRE Tapes (Germany), Tonspur Tapes (Germany), and others.
This record is The DGE's first album released in vinyl format, compiled from those releases from the cassette era.
The cover design is by Yu Yokoyama, featuring the goldfish drawing by Hartwell himself. The sound is digitally mastered by Makoto Oshiro using the original master tape.
A download url for "Polonia" is included. This is The Dead Goldfish Ensemble's first album of new material since 2017's "Alive In Paris".
- The digital release is available on Bandcamp.